Specifications and models of concrete batching plant equipment-Industry News-Truck Mounted Boom Pump,Placing boom,Concrete pump,crusher | TRUEMAX-

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Specifications and models of concrete batching plant equipment

  Concrete batching plant equipment is a combined device used to centrally mix concrete,also known as concrete precast field.It is often used in large and medium-sized water conservancy,electric power,bridge and other projects with large amount of concrete works,long construction period and concentrated construction sites.However,in order to meet the needs of different industries,it usually has many different specifications and models.

Concrete batching plant specifications

  The size of the batching plant equipment is named according to its theoretical production per hour.The commonly used specifications in my country are:HZS25,HZS35,HZS50,HZS60,HZS75,HZS90,HZS120,HZS150,HZS180,HZS240,etc.For example:HZS25 refers to a mixing station with a production capacity of 25 cubic meters per hour,and the host is a twin-shaft forced mixer.If the host uses a single horizontal shaft,the model is HZD25.

  Mixing station equipment can be divided into single-machine station and double-machine station.As the name suggests,single-machine station means that each mixing station has one mixing host,and double-machine station has two mixing hosts.Each mixing host corresponds to a discharge port,so double-machine The production capacity of the mixing station is twice that of the single-machine mixing station.The naming method of the double-machine mixing station is 2HZS.For example,2HZS25 refers to a double-machine mixing station with a mixing capacity of 2*25=50 cubic meters per hour.

  The above is the introduction of specifications and models of concrete batching plant equipment.According to its introduction,we can better distinguish and use the equipment,so as to meet the specified use requirements and meet the user's use effect.