How much is a concrete pump truck?-Industry News-Truck Mounted Boom Pump,Placing boom,Concrete pump,crusher | TRUEMAX-

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How much is a concrete pump truck?

Concrete pump trucks are very common on relatively large construction sites. Concrete pump trucks are machines that use pressure rock pipelines for continuous transportation. How much does a concrete pump truck cost?


Concrete pump trucks can only be used to transport concrete, and the prices of large and small ones are different. The price of a pump truck ranges from 900,000 to 2.3 million. The price of the concrete pump truck is also related to the brand and the length of the boom.

 How much is the concrete pump truck

The choice of concrete depends not only on the price, but also on the flexibility of maneuvering, whether it is stable and reliable, whether the concrete is continuously discharged, whether it is stable and reliable, whether it is continuously discharged, whether it is sturdy and durable, and also consider the issues of intelligence and convenience.


The selection of concrete pump trucks should be comprehensively considered according to the concrete project object, characteristics, required maximum conveying distance, concrete construction plan, concrete pump form and specific conditions. Pumping, easy maintenance


Truemax's pumping system is equipped with a large-diameter conveying cylinder, which has the advantages of good suction performance, less reversal times, large outlet pressure, and high pumping efficiency, which not only reduces wear but also reduces operating costs; In terms of performance, the use of new wear-resistant materials, processes and technologies greatly improves the life of vulnerable parts and reduces the difficulty of maintenance.